Take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you
By Cheval John
“Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?” Eminem
Everyone who are fans of Eminem knows this quote from the song “Lose Yourself”. This song rings true for a lot of reasons and unfortunately, some miss that chance. Whenever things don’t go a person’s way, they try to find excuses on why they did not succeed, but in reality, they miss their opportunity.
In my experience, I have notice that some black individuals who make excuses on why they are not progressing. It seems to me that they are using slavery as an excuse. Yes, I understand the issue of slavery and I wish that it did not happen, but they should not use it as a crutch. Also, it seems like they are many obstacles that are in the way that are keeping them from being successful, including being raised in a single parent home.
People like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, W.E.B. DuBois and many others fought and risked everything for equal rights for future generations. Different acts including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed through Congress that gave Black Americans the opportunity to succeed. But it seems like those individuals are not taking advantage of it.
While I realize the challenges many of these individuals face in their pre-existing circumstances, I also see others who have had the same background and took advantage of the opportunities to get out of the situation instead of making excuses.
For instance, Bernadette Pruitt, Ph.D., associate professor in the History Department, had a difficult childhood. It seemed as if nothing was going her way, including with the education system, but she graduated from high school and came to Texas Southern University. Not only did she earned her Bachelors and Masters degree, but also earned her Doctorate from the University of Houston. She exemplifies how it does not matter how you grew up, you have to work hard to get what you want.
The reason why I am writing this is because I am an African American and I understand the pain and suffering of being stereotyped by others. I understand the circumstances and the pain of slavery and at times, it infuriates me, but at the end of the day, it already happened. It is time for everyone to take advantage and go to college to obtain a degree so that you can be successful in life and set an example for those who are looking up to you because like it or not, you are a role model to those that will be taking the same path.
Bridging the Gap between an Economist and a Comedian
When a person thinks about an economist, they think about someone who’s in academia who teaches economics to students or who advises government on economic policies. And when someone thinks about comedians, they think about a person who tells jokes about different subjects.
Earlier today, Yoram Bauman, Ph.D, part-time professor at the University of Washington, who is also a stand-up economist, gave a presentation in the LSC theater as part of the Literacy Financial Week at Sam Houston State University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics from Reed College in Portland Oregon and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in economics from the University of Washington. “Comedy works when there are stereotypes and they are strong stereotypes about economist, so it is easy to [do]”, Bauman said. In 2008, he did a supply-side world tour in Europe and Israel.
His presentation was fun and interesting because he made fun of those who are in the profession such as the macro-economist. But his main focus is on environmental tax reform. It involves raising taxes on air pollution, fossil fuels, etc. and lowering taxes on income, etc. so that it will force those to find alternate resources that will be good for the environment. Bauman’s three main goals in performing stand-up are:
1. Spread the joy of economist comedy to the world
2. Get people excited about economics
3. Pollution pricing and environmental tax reform
The presentation was great because not only did it make people laugh, but it introduced a new type of genre that seems opposite to each other and it gives a new avenue to get an important message across to the audience.
For more information about the Stand Up Economist, click here.
For more information about SHSU’s BearkatOne Services, click here.
Deja El Ritmo Da Inspiracion
ppr Cheval John
Artistas mas conocidas en el mundo de arte y musica seran aqui en Sam Houston State University por un festival se llama “Festival Inspiracion”. Es un festival por una semana que esta enfoco sobre las culturas de America Latina. El evento comenzo hoy y va a continuar hasta el 26 de Febrero.
Los cuatro artistas que estan los titulares en el evento son:
Danilo Perez de Panama y Luis Marin de Puerto Rico, quien toco musica con Tito Puente, Juan Luis Guerra y mucho mas; Adelina Moya de Mexico y Jesus Moroles de los Estados Unidos, quien gano la Medallia Nacional de Arte en 2008, cual es el honrado mas alta en el mundo de arte y fue presentado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos.
El persona que era en cargado de crear este festival es Sergio Ruiz, profesor de piano en la Escuela de Musica en Sam Houston State University. “Estaba planear este evento por muchos anos”, dijo a el. “El plan era traer el arte, las lecturas, la musica, etc juntos para hacerlo mas divertido y educacional para todo quien asistan.
El evento es bueno porque va a traer gran atencion no solamente a la escena de musica latino, sino la cultura de latinoamericana y va a dar inspiracion a la gente que quiere entender la gente de latinoamericana.
Aqui abajo es los eventos y actividades para el festival:
Martes, 22 de febrero 2011
• “El arte de la improvisación” Clase magistral con Danilo Pérez—10-11:30 am, Sala de recital PAC
• Clases de pintura en Wynne Home Arts Center: pintora Adelina Moya—10 am-1 pm
• Clases de escultura en Wynne Home Arts Center: escultor Jesús Moroles—2-4 pm
• Presentación del Ballet Folklórico LULAC (Huntsville) en el Sala de Danza PAC- 7:30 p.m.
• Tema de Humanidades: México y los mexicano- americanos: Muestra de fotos: “Mexicano-Americanos en la historia de Houston (Atrio de música).
• Ponencias 10 am-12 pm y 2 pm-5 pm. (todas en inglés)
o 10-10:30 am: Mujeres Mexicano-Americanas y Salarios, Dr. Ulises Balderas, SHSU.
o 10:30-11 am: Fundador del Proyecto de Microcréditos: Microcréditos en Latinoamérica, Dr. Rogelio García, Profesor de Estudios Internacionales en la Universidad de St. Thomas, Houston.
o 11-11:30 am: Mexicano-americanos en Houston, Dra. Dorothy Caram, Universidad de Houston, Profesora Emérita.
o 2-2:30 pm México, Las mujeres mexicano- americanas y el sector bancario, Dra. Carolina Crimm, Profesora de Historia, SHSU.
o 2:30-3pm: Dr. Charles Heath, Profesor Asistente de Historia, SHSU.
o 3-3:30 pm: Dr. Alessandro Bonanno, Profesor de Sociología, SHSU.
o 3:30- 4 pm: 11:-11:30 am: Influencia política de los mexicano-americanos, Dr. Henry Flores, Profesor de Ciencias Políticas, Decano de Posgrados, Universidad de St. Mary, Houston.
o 4-4:30 pm: Mestizaje, Dr. John Burke, Profesor de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de St. Thomas, Houston.
• Festival de Películas: Wynne Home Arts Center 7 – 9 pm
o Producciones San Rafael, Pat Collins, realizador.
o Semana Santa en San Miguel de Allende.
o Guadalupe: Madre de todo México
o Siguiendo el Espíritu.
Miércoles, 23 de febrero 2011
• “¡Viva el ritmo!” Clase magistral sobre ritmos latinoamericanos con Danilo Pérez y músicos, 10-11:30 am, Sala de recital PAC.
• Clases de pintura en Wynne Home Arts Center: Pintora Adelina Moya—10 am-1 pm
• Cena con la presidenta de la Universidad Sam Houston, Dr. Dana Gibson con invitados de la comunidad (Comisión de Arte de Huntsville, Junta de HOT, Alcalde, etc.). Por invitación. Invitados de honor: Danilo Pérez, músico de jazz y otros miembros de su trío; Luis Marín, Músico de jazz; Jesús Moroles, escultor. Después de esta cena, tendremos la actuación de Moroles, John Lane y estudiantes, y bailarines de danza moderna. Sala de danza PAC.
• “Creación del Alma”: Escultura, Danza Moderna, Percusión: Sala de Danza PAC: 7:30 p.m. Sala de danza PAC.
o Moroles, John Lane, percusión y compañía, Jaime Zaradnik, danza y compañía.
• Literatura/Artes en Latinoamérica
Ponencias 10am-12pm y de 1:30—4:30 pm; Lowman Student Center Sala A (Todas en
o 10-10:30 am: Sarah Cortez, poeta
o 10:30-11 am: La danza prohibida: Dra. Frieda Koeninger, Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, SHSU.
o 11-11:30: Dra. Debra Andrist, profesora de español y jefa del departamento de lenguas extranjeras, SHSU: Artistas latinoamericanas.
o 11:30-12: Conversatorios sobre mujeres en Latinoamérica: Díaz, Koeninger, Andrist, Shemak, Raymond, Crimm-Castillo, Vega y Salum.
o 1:30-4:30 pm: Festival de Cine por Instituto de Cultura de Houston, a cargo de Mark Lacy, director.
o Muestra de publicaciones de autores e instituciones invitadas 10 am-5 pm.
Jueves, 24 de febrero 2011
• “Tintineo de los marfiles” Clase magistral para pianistas sobre el estilo de improvisación en el jazz latino, Sala de recital PAC, 10-11:30 am.
• Clases de pintura en Wynne Home Arts Center: pintora Adelina Moya—10 am-1 pm
• Clases de escultura en Wynne Home Arts Center: escultor Jesús Moroles—2-4 pm
o Literatura/Publicaciones en Latinoamérica. Lowman Student Center Sala A (Todas en
inglés). 10-11: 30 am and 1-4:30 p.m.
o 10-10:30 am: Dr. Elizabeth Coscio, jefa del Departamento de Lenguas Clásicas Modernas, Universidad de St. Thomas, Houston.
o 10:30-11 am: RoseMary Salum, Fundadora y editora de la revista Literal: Voces Latinoamericanas. The History of Voces.
o 11-11:30: RoseMary Salum: Lectura de sus cuentos.
o 1-1:30: Dr. Nicolás Kanellos, Profesor de Español de la Universidad de Houston, Fundador y Editor de Arte Público Press: The History of the Press.
o 1:30- 2 pm: Dr. Norma Mouton, Profesora de Español del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, The Arte Público Hispanic Recovery Project.
o 2-4 pm: 3-4 Autores de Arte Público Press.
o 4-4:30: Dr. Rafael Saumell-Muñoz: Presenta su libro “En Cuba todo el mundo canta.”
• Festival de cine–Wynne Home Arts Center, 7—9 p.m.
o “Como agua para chocolate” Dr. Ralph Pease, profesor de inglés SHSU.
Viernes, 25 de febrero 2011
• Clases de pintura en Wynne Home Arts Center: pintora Adelina Moya—10 am-1 pm
• Clases de escultura en Wynne Home Arts Center: escultor Jesús Moroles—2-4 pm
• Invitados al Festival de Jazz Latino. 8 am-6 pm.
o Bandas de Jazz de High School y de las universidades de las áreas de Houston, Dallas y San Antonio.
• “El arte de la Improvisación” Clase magistral con Danilo Pérez—9-10:30 am, Sala de recital PAC.
• Preguntas y Respuestas, con Danilo Pérez, Sala de recital PAC, 10:30-11:30 am.
• Concurso de Jazz Latino (con asistencia del público) Sala de Conciertos PAC, 1-6:00 pm.
o Cada banda tocará durante 15 minutes. 10 para la preparación y 5 despeje del escenario.
o Después de tocar, cada banda contará con la participación de miembros del jurado y músicos visitantes.
Sábado, 26 de febrero 2011
• Ensayo con la Banda de Jazz de SHSU Jazz Band. 12-2 pm. Sala de Conciertos. PAC.
• Sesión de Jazz: Estilo caribeño– Incluye la Steel Band y la Banda de Jazz de SHSU. PAC Foyer 2-4 pm (refrigerios y galletitas).
• Concierto de Clausura del Festival con Danilo Pérez, Luis Marín, Aric Schneller, Banda de Jazz de SHSU y el Ganador del Festival de Jazz. Sala de Conciertos PAC. 7:30 pm.
o Entrada $15 adultos/$12 estudiantes y jubilados.
Let the Rythm Give You Inspiracion
Well-known international artist in the music and art world will be making their way to Sam Houston State University for festival called “Festival Inspiracion”. The Festival Inspiracion is a one week festival that is focused on the Latin American cultures of the world. The event will be held from February 21-February 26. It will feature music, art, lectures and workshops that will educate those that are interested in the Latin American field.
The four artist that are headlining the event are:
Danilo Perez of Panama and Luis Marin of Puerto Rico, who performed with the late Tito Puente and other artists; Adelina Moya of Mexico and Jesus Moroles a sculptor from the USA. Both will be displaying their artwork in the Wynne Home museum. Moroles won the 2008 National Medal of Arts which is the highest honor in the art world and was presented by the President of the United States.
The brainchild behind the first ever latin festival that will be occurring here on campus is Dr. Sergio Ruiz, professor of music in the School of Music at Sam Houston State University. “I have been planning this for several years”, he said. “The plan was to bring the art, the music, the lectures, and the workshops together to make it fun and educational for everyone that attends.
This event will be one of the major events that will ever happen at Sam Houston State University because it will be bringing a huge exposure not only to the Latin American music scene, but to the culture of Latin America and it will inspire those to have a greater understanding of the Latin American people.
For more information about Festival Inspiracion, visit these links:
Now I’ve Seen Everything
by Cheval John
A little of Panama was featured at the Latin Jazz Concert last Saturday night. The concert was headlined by Danilo Perez of Panama and the “Perez Trio” which featured bassist Ben Street and drummer Adam Cruz, both who from the New York area.
The first half of the concert, the SHSU symphony orchestra played with the trio along with a couple of jazz musicians from Woodcreek High School.
The second half of the concert, the SHSU Jazz Band, under the direction of Aric Schneller, professor of music at SHSU, played along with the trio. In the final rendition, pianist Luis Marin of Puerto Rico, who played on Monday night, joined in the festivities.
The concert was the finale of Festival Inspiracion. I personally enjoyed it because of the presentations that was given, the improvisation concert on Wednesday that featured the works of Jesus Moroles, a sculptor from Corpus Christi, Texas in which the musicians played music from the works and the SHSU dancers created choreography for the performance.
Will we see another festival inspiracion? Only time will tell.
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