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Jessika Phillips: Founder and President of Now Marketing Group

By Cheval John

December 6th, 2017

Disclaimer: This Is A Sponsored Post

Today’s episode of What’s The Word? features Jessika Phillips, who is the founder and president of Now Marketing Group.

Her Ohio based company is a Forbes agency which serves about 200 clients nationally and worldwide.

This podcast episode was recorded on facebook Live using Blue Jeans Network months prior.

The reason for the disclaimer: Two weeks prior to the airing of this episode, Now Marketing Group became a client for my company to promote their upcoming conference, “Social Media Week Lima 2018” and this blog post is one of the ways I am promoting the conference.

Even if they were not paying me, I would still promote social media week lima because I spoke there as a panelist earlier this year and I saw first hand how well run the conference is.

I saw first hand how Jessika worked alongside her Now Marketing Group team and the university student volunteers from the University of Northern Ohio.

This is one of the reasons why I would recommend attending Now Marketing Group’s conference.

In this episode, you will hear:

-How Jessika decided to start Social Media Week Lima

-How she got the opportunity to speak at Social Media Marketing World 2018

-The difference between a magnet and bullhorn (her terms)

-The one person (past or present) who she would spend time with

Snippet on Vallano Media TV

Full episode on BlogTalkRadio

Website For Social Media Week Lima 2018: www.nowmarketinggroup.com

Facebook Page: Now Marketing Group

Twitter: @jessikaphillips

Quotes from Jessika Phillips on:


The doubts came before I started the business.

You get super comfortable and the biggest obstacle you have to overcome is just getting started.

If you can get started, you’ve built up enough momentum to keep you going.

You just have to feed that momentum.

Whether that’s through training, getting connected with other people or hosting things on your own, you just have to keep that momentum going.

I sat with my computer for five to six hours with the same screen up before I hit enter to submit for my business name.

I was so paronoid because I had a good job, a company car, the whole thing.

It was like, “do I really want this or do I not?”

Sometimes your family and your friends, God love them, they are not always going to tell you that you can go after that thing.

It’s something you have to do within yourself.

It’s something that you have to say, “I’m willing to take this chance. I know that I am capable and I know what I want to do is going to serve someone else.”

Your family and friends are there to try and protect you and they may be afraid for you.

But you literally have to put blinders on and just be in your own lane and keep your momentum going.


They have been trained that marketing is having to spend money and broadcast your message out.

They preaching the same message that everybody cares what you have to say and all you need to do is say it to them.

I attribute that to being the same as you only calling someone every time you need something.

They are gonna get pretty annoyed with you and not want to pick up the phone.

So you have to think, “How can I offer value. How can I work as a magnet and draw people in to me” because they have more options.

Now you are competing with a larger audience and there’s so many pools for our attention.

Customers don’t want to be bullhorn.

That’s why DVRs exists.

That’s why Pandora exists.

That’s why YouTube is out there.

You can get news on Twitter.

People do not want to be interrupted in their day.

They just want to be in their own lane and be around things that are serving to them.

So you have to think of ways you can attract people to you.

We as marketers need to do a better job of working with our clients to tell them the same thing like “Yes, people will care about what you have to say, but they have to know you care first about what they are struggling with or what they are trying to find an answer to or why they’d be coming to you” because if not, then you are just an interruption and a part of the noise.

Listen more. Know who you are trying to talk to and how you can help them along the way.


When podcasting was becoming big, I just could not see myself podcasting.

So I was like, “how can I do this in another way?”

I was comfortable with video at the time.

I worked with our videographer to actually shoot videos to keep people up to date on what was happening in social media and what new things clients could try out.

I just knew I could help more people if they had instant access to it and did not have to come to me or sign up for a webinar.

They could just find it online.

Then live video rolled out.

Now we don’t have to produce this and wait for it to be edited.

We can go live in the moment.

So it was a very easy decision at that point to say, “Let’s double down and do this, make it consistent every tuesday at 4 p.m. eastern, we’re going live and we’re gonna have a show concept all about how you can be a magnet versus a bullhorn with your marketing.


It depends on their goals.

If their goals are to be found, then I honestly would say YouTube because I do see a huge potential on YouTube Live right now in the moment, having your video there, building up a community especially if they already have subscribers.

Facebook right now seems to be the one that’s kind of holding the trump card as far as live video.

I’m excited to see where that goes and how they are going to be building this creator community of people that are going to be going live.

It truly does depend on who you are trying to target and who you are as a brand.

I still see value in instagram.

I still see value in snapchat.

I have seen several people that have done really, really well on snapchat as an influencer. They are building up a community and some of the millennials are still there.

If you have a super niche, periscope (twitter’s live video app) works for so many brands.

So literally, this answer could change depending on what company you are and who you are trying to attract.

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