Tag Archive | Mompowerment

Suzanne Brown: Author And Founder Of Mompowerment

By Cheval John

Suzanne Brown returned to What’s The Word? to share about her vision for her business, Mompowerment.

This episode was recorded on Blue Jeans Network before the “pandemic” happened.

Suzanne shared about livestreaming and the resurgence of LinkedIn.

She has written two books and recently published an article in The Harvard Business Review called, “https://hbr.org/amp/2020/09/how-to-identify-a-family-friendly-employer?__twitter_impression=true.

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Below is a sample of what Suzanne shared on the show:

Whether you are on LinkedIn or having a conversation with somebody you have just met at an event, it’s about the relationship building.

You wouldn’t meet somebody and say, “Hey, do you want to buy my book?”

That would not be your approach if you meet somebody in person.

So why would that be your approach online?

I think a lot of times, people think, “Oh, it’s online, therefore, it’s a different set of rules.

Nobody wants to be sold to.

LinkedIn is a professional setting.

So it goes by the same rules that you would have in a professional setting.

If you were selling something to somebody, you would learn a little bit about them.

Maybe there is an article that you both responded to and you really liked what they had to say.

That is a great reason to connect with that person.

I think it’s also really important to use the functionality where it allows you to send a note.

Just change the generic note and personalized the message.

That first engagement is key because it makes them think, “Do I want to connect with this person or not.”

If your immediate thing is to spam, chances are you will start losing people.

On The Comeback Of LinkedIn

I think all of a sudden, people have discovered or rediscovered LinkedIn as a platform because for a really long time, it was an online resume.

Now people are realizing this a great way to build business relationships especially with those who are not in your typical network.

You can connect with people all over the world.

You can connect with people from different business industries.

I think it’s a really great platform.

I think that influencers have really great wins on LinkedIn

Now they are saying, “This is the platform to use.”

All of a sudden, these newbies are coming to LinkedIn and they don’t necessary understand the platform.

So they are using what is essentially bad habits.

So being able to start coaching people and say, “I am glad we connected. I am not interested in this message, do you like to continue this conversation?”

You can find nicer ways to doing that.

Or simply unfriend and overtime, people will figure out, “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t done that (spamming)”

So it all depends on if you want to mentor somebody or if you want to just give them the boot.