Tag Archive | 2018

Progress Is Better Than Perfection

By Cheval John

As we are drawing closer to 2018, I want to leave you with some advice.


When things are not going your way, the first thing you would do is complain.

It seems like the right move because you think you are voicing your concern.

The problem with complaining is it takes away your focus on being appreciative of the journey to your desired success.

Complainers will always find an excuse to why they can not succeed in their lives.

If you want to be at the next level in your career and business, do not complain.


Having an attitude of gratitude helps you to see the blessings you already have despite the difficult times.

You might think it is the end of the world if your computer goes down because you need it to run your business.

If you have access to a computer at a local library and they have free wi-fi, you are rich because you can run your business from the library

When you see the blessings in the simple details, you can enjoy life and worry less.


You might feel down on yourself because you are comparing yourself to someone who is further along in their business journey.

Or seeing photos on social media of people seemingly enjoying their lives and thinking “Why can’t I have a great life like theirs.”

You do not know the years of hard work that person did in order to be where they are at.

When you see them achieve a milestone like getting featured in a major media publication, celebrate their win.

They have shown you anything is possible to achieve your dreams of a better life.

So instead of comparing yourself to other people, focus on your own business


An eagle do not run away from the resistance of winds because they understand the wind helps them to fly further than anyone else.

When you are going to the next level, you are certain to get some resistance.

For example, if you want to start a business because it makes sense to you, family and friends will try to talk you out of it.

They do not understand why you would want to leave a “stable” company.

Though they mean well, you will have to leave them behind because they are comfortable in their lives.

When you pass the trials and tribulations in running your business, you know that you are an eagle because you see that you can handle any situation.


If you set specific goals on what you want to accomplish in your life and business in 2018, you are already ahead of your “competition” because many just wander aimlessly in life.

Some goes a bit further by creating a vision board of what they want to accomplish in the new year.

They would spend time writing out the end goal on the vision board first because it allows them to see what steps are needed to achieve that specific goal.

They also know to celebrate the small wins because it will boost their confidence and get them closer to achieving their end goal.

You have what it takes to succeed in your business and your lives.

While you might think you have not achieve anything this year, keep this in mind.

If you are putting in the effort and seeing some progress, you have already succeeded because you are way closer than you think in achieving your goals.

Progress is much better than perfection.

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