Melodee’s Journey To Becoming A 5th Degree Blackbelt
By Cheval John
Melodee Meyer is a lady that many people should look out for in 2016.
The reason is because she has accomplished so much in her life that many would dream of accomplishing.
Melodee is a successful business owner, runs the Fit Free Project, spoke at a TedX event and holds a 5th Degree Blackbelt.
Because of her rise in the different levels of karate, she was inducted into the Karate Union Hall of Fame.
Melodee mentioned on my show. “What’s The Word?, that one of her favorite people who inspired her to be successful is Bruce Lee.
I can understand why she admires Bruce Lee.
He was trying to be successful in Hollywood as a martial artist.
However, Hollywood was not ready to give him the lead role in movies because he was not what most people who have lead roles were at the time:
Though he was successful in television, Mr. Lee knew that if he wanted to get his positive message out into the world, he needed a larger audience.
So he went to Asia to film movies which he was the lead character and became a successful movie star in Asia.
And because of his success as a movie star in Asia, Hollywood finally gave him the lead role in a movie which unfortunately was his last movie due to his death.
In the same way as Mr. Lee, Melodee choose herself in order to be a successful entrepreneur for the better.
Will not be surprised if Melodee goes to the next level in her business for the better.
To hear more of her journey to success for the better, here is the video and the audio link to the interview with the guest of honor, Melodee Meyer:
Video version of the interview with guest Melodee Meyer:
Audio version of the interview with guest Melodee Meyer:
History Repeats Itself For The Good
By Cheval John
Months ago, I made an appearance on the Conscious Millionaire podcast hosted by J.V. Crum III to discuss about using Twitter to bring potential clients to your website.
Today, the show was chosen as a special featured show because people enjoyed the value that I provided to Mr. Crums’s podcast audience.
I had made a promise on Mr. Crum’s show that I was giving away the first two chapters of my Amazon Best-Selling book, “8 Lessons Every Podcaster Needs To Learn.”
As promised, here are the chapters from the book for the Conscious Millionaire podcast:
Podcasting has made a resurgence in the last 10 years.
It was a once forgotten medium because the technology was only available on computers.
After Apple created the iPod in 2005, many flocked back to podcasting because they believed that they could reach a wider audience.
There are signs that podcasting will continue to grow in the near future.
The reason is because Apple has led the way in innovation again with their new product, the Apple Carplay.
Carplay allows anyone to connect their iPhone to their cars.
It was released earlier this year on selected car models like Ferrari, Honda, and Hyundai and will be available on all newer models with the rest of the big name brands in 2015.
Even if you don’t have the cash to spend on these newer model cars, you will have the opportunity to still get Carplay because Pioneer Electronics were one of the premier aftermarket manufacturers to collaborate with their new Firmware For Pioneer NEX In-Dash Receiver.
The product was released late last year and is available for any model type of cars.
One might think, This is all great, but what does all this have to do with podcasting?
The answer is everything, because the iPhone has given people the capability to download their favorite podcasts and listen to them anywhere.
That means that if you are small business owner, freelance writer, or a college student who is trying to showcase your expertise in order to land a dream job, etc., starting a podcast will allow you to reach your target audience and establish your credibility.
And it gets even better with Carplay because podcasters are able to reach people who have to commute to work on a weekly basis.
So you might still wonder, Why I should journey into podcasting when the medium is the 11th social media platform used by 6% of marketers, according to the 2014 industry report by Social Media Examiner?
The reason is because that same report has indicated that 21% of marketers are going to create their own podcasts this year and 24% are thinking of the possibility of having a podcast.
So if you are convinced and are ready to have your very own podcast, I salute you.
As you are thinking about what platform will best fit your podcasting needs, the third chapter, “Start A Podcast” in my first book, 8 Things You Need To Do Before Quitting Your Job explains what platform will work for the newbie podcaster.
When you come to a decision on which platform you feel comfortable with in creating your podcast,
more questions will enter your mind like, How do I secure my first guest? Should I reach out to that A-Lister or should I start local with the people I know?
This book, 8 Lessons Every Podcaster Needs To Learn will be the step-by-step guide to grow your podcast the right way. It is based on the lessons I learned the hard way while hosting my very own online radio show/podcast, “What’s The Word?” on BlogTalkRadio. My hope is that you will avoid the same mistakes as a podcaster and that you will grow your personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader, whether you are a business owner, freelance writer, college student or even an employee.
Let the lessons begin.
Social Media Examiner :
AppleCarplay :
Pioneer Electronics:
1st Lesson: Start Locally
When many people are first starting out, they are tempted to reach out to the most recognizable person out there.
The logic is that the recognizable guest will ‘drive’ many listeners to the show.
It is very reasonable if you want to start your podcasting journey on the right foot.
However, this is the wrong approach.
Many of these big name people will not even give you a second thought because you are not big enough, especially if you are just starting your podcast.
They will feel nervous because they do not know what to expect.
That is why it is important to start locally because your potential guest already knows you and trusts you.
If you built that relationship with the people who are prominent in your area, then it will be easier to approach them to be one of the ‘first’ guests on your new show.
And once your podcast gains traction, it will be easier to reach out to the ‘big name’ people because they will see your track record and, nine times out of ten, they will accept.
When I was in preparation to launch my show, “What’s The Word?” I reached out to a ‘prominent’ person and she accepted the invitation.
Three days before the show was set to launch, she sent me a message saying that she was not able to do the show because she had to focus on her new clients and wished me luck.
Though I was bummed, it was a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to reach out to the people I already knew at my alma mater, Sam Houston State University.
The show launched a few weeks later and from that moment, I had many ‘well-known’ guests on the show.
So if you want to have a great start to your podcast career, it is really important to start locally.
2nd Lesson: Choose Your Niche
You might be wondering if you should aim for a general audience or go for a niche market.
You would think that it is easier to go after a general audience because you want to show that you are well rounded and also want to cater to everyone.
In a lot of ways, it might work if you want to display your experiences to a potential employer, or in the case of a freelancer, a client.
However, that can cause you to lose your audience because you are trying to please everyone and are stretching yourself thin.
The best thing to do when you are starting a podcast is to go for a niche market.
Whether it is marketing, sports, self-help, etc., you are solving a specific need and, in the process, creating a loyal following.
Dori DeCarlo, a seasoned entrepreneur, first got into podcasting after launching the show, “The Three Wise Girls” with co-hosts Debbie Barth and Linda Alexander.
During one of the shows, Dori did a two part segment on Mompreneurs, women who are moms and also entrepreneurs.
In the process of that segment, Dori found her niche.
With the encouragement from her co-hosts, Dori launched her own show called “Word of Mom” which evolved into the network, “Word of Mom Radio.”
In the four years since launching, the network has received over 70,000 downloads in 2013 and is continuing to grow.
So if you want to grow your podcast, focus on a niche market because, in doing so, you will separate yourself from the crowd.
Word of Mom Radio:
3rd Lesson: Research, Research, Research
So now you have landed your guest for your podcast and are counting down to the show.
One of the most important things you must do before the show is do your research.
You might say, “That is so obvious.”
The sad reality is many people don’t do their research on their guest.
The host might think they can ‘wing it’ with the guest on the show, however your audience can tell right away if you are on top of your game.
When you do your research on the guest, you will find out interesting things you never knew before, and from this research you can create some talking points which will be a guide for you once the show begins.
And when you ask your guests specific quotes, they will feel very valued because of the research you did before the episode.
Once that happens, the guest will refer your show to their friends who are also influential.
In addition, you will gain greater credibility with your listeners because they know that you are very disciplined in preparation and also your audience knows you value them.
Jared Easley, co-creator of the Podcasting Movement and author of the Amazon best-selling book,Podcasting Good To Great: How To Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration, grew his podcast, “Starving The Doubts” into a popular show.
His meticulous research on the guests before every show has made them feel at home.
As a result of his efforts, Jared’s podcast has been named the No.1 emerging podcast by both and the Huffington Post.
So if you want to gain more credibility with your podcast, you must research, research, research because, like Mr. Easley, you will earn respect from your guest and your audience.
Jared Easley:
Podcast Movement:
4th Lesson: Send The Reminder A Day Before The Show
I had booked a guest who was coming out with a new book.
Everything was scheduled and we were counting down to the day of the show.
Once the show began, the guest did not call in and I had to improvise while I was waiting for the person to dial the number for the show.
The guest sent me a message and said, “Her assistant did not send her the number to call into the show.”
So I gave her the number and the show went on as usual.
I could have avoided the blunder if I had sent a reminder to the assistant the day before with the number to call.
You might think you do not need to send them or their representatives a reminder because they said they got it jot down in their calendar.
However, it is always important to send a reminder because it can determine if you will have a great show, a mediocre show or no show at all.
As in my case, the show was near perfect after the blunder.
So how do you send a reminder the day before the show begins without feeling like you are being rude?
Below is an example of how to send the reminder notice for your guest:
“Jane Doe, I hope you are having a great week and I can not wait for the show tomorrow. Just in case, here is the number to call five minutes before the show begins at 3 p.m. eastern, 2 p.m. central, 1 p.m. mountain, noon pacific: 1-888-888-8888.
Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to make an appearance on the show.
Have a great day.”
Cheval John
Host, “Name of Podcast”
So to recap, if you want to make sure that you and your guest or the representative of the guest are on the same page, send a reminder the day before the show because you will avoid the awkward moment when you are by yourself doing the show without a guest.
5th Lesson: Be Yourself
Even though it is very important to have talking points from your research, you should not stick to the script.
You should try and be as conversational as possible with your guest and show your personality because a audience loves a person who is very authentic and willing to be real.
That does not mean you should talk about yourself the majority of the time while you are doing the show because it will come across as self-promotion.
Your main job is to showcase the guest and lift them up to your audience, not in the way that you do not have some disagreements about a particular subject.
If your guest ask you about your work, then you can chat about yourself for a bit.
Always keep in mind the 80/20 rule.
80% of the show is focused on the guest while 20% is focused on you.
6th Lesson: Be A Good Listener
One of the most important things a person can do during a podcast is listening carefully to what their guest are saying.
Most of the time, the interviewer will ask a question and then focus on what they are going to ask next.
When a person only focus on what they are going to ask instead of listening to their guest, they miss out on an answer so insightful that can benefit the listener.
If you don’t listen, the guest will believe that you do not care about what they have to share with you and your audience.
When that happens, your podcast might suffer and it will be hard to build it back up again.
So if you want to gain insightful information during your podcast that will benefit your audience, be a good listener.
Your guest will appreciate it so much that they will give you praise when they are showcasing their appearance on your podcast.
7th Lesson: Send A Thank You E-mail
When you finish your show, the first thing you should do is send a thank you e-mail to either the guest or the representative of the guest who made it possible for your show to happen.
The reason is it shows proper etiquette to the person who worked behind the scenes to connect you to their client.
Another reason is the person might be connected to someone who you admire and want to have on the show.
Let’s say you don’t send the “thank you e-mail” or even a thank you note to the person, you might think you are not hurting anyone.
However, your guest will remember how you showed no appreciation for them taking the time out of their busy schedule to be on your show.
Secondly, the person will tell their friends about how you did not send them a thank you e-mail.
Once that happens, it will be hard for you to gain more guests because of the negative perception you have created because you did not send a thank you e-mail.
On the flip side, when you send the thank you note, your “guest” will speak well of you because they have seen you have taken the time to thank them for being on your show.
When you least expect it, the person will connect you to their clients that would make great guests for your show.
As a result, your podcast will go to the next level.
8th Lesson: Network With Other Podcasters
Networking is one of the most tried and true ways to get yourself out there and promote your show.
One way you can network is by commenting on your fellow podcasters shows.
If you do that on a consistent basis, they will take notice and it can lead to them promoting your podcast or even landing a guest appearance on their podcast.
One thing you must remember is that networking is about providing value to the other person and not just asking for something.
If you go to a networking event and only hand out promotional materials about your show, you are sending a message that you are not interested in building a friendship and that your work is more important than theirs.
You must go into any networking event with a giver’s mentality and really be genuine about your fellow podcaster’s work.
Once you establish the friendship, then they will be eager to help you to take your podcast to the next level.
The only question now is where do you meet your fellow podcasters?
The places you can network with your fellow podcasters is at conferences, online groups, etc.
One conference that comes to mind is the World Domination Summit (WDS), an annual conference held in Portland, Oregon.
WDS is the place where you can meet fellow bloggers and podcasters like Jaime Tardy, John Lee Dumas and Chris Ducker.
They have an established audience and always share what worked for them and how their strategies of growing an audience can work for you.
So if you want to grow your audience, network with your fellow podcasters because you will build your credibility as a thought leader and also lift up the people who are doing great things in the world.
World Domination Summit:
Additional Websites:
Podcaster’s Hangout:
Podcast South Florida:
You have reached the conclusion of this book.
Hopefully, you will apply these lessons in order to be successful as a podcaster.
This book can be applied to whatever work you are doing.
Whether you are in public relations, journalism, etc., you must establish trust with your clients, readers or your viewers if you are going to succeed.
Podcasting may not be for everyone because what works for one person may not be a good fit for another person.
The only way that you can know if podcasting is right for you is if you try it out for yourself.
If you decide to go a different route, these same lessons will be beneficial for you to succeed in the long run.
Happy podcasting.
Hard Work Will Always Pays Off For Better
By Cheval John
You put in the hard work towards your business in order to make it profitable.
You see other people achieve their success for the better with their business and wonder why I have not achieved the success yet.
In that instant, you get discouraged and strongly thinking about giving up on your business.
You go through the pity party and will not want to be cheered up by your closest friends.
You complain almost every time and have a crappy attitude about your business situation.
It seems that you are not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in which your finally see profits in your business.
The truth is even if you are not seeing the “splash” in success does not mean that you are not succeeding.
When a person keeps chipping away at solving people’s problems, they are slowly but surely will achieve their breakthrough for the better.
For the sports professional and I will use baseball, a batter goes through a slump at times.
It might seem that they are not making progress to break that slump.
They are working on their swinging mechanics everyday to be a better hitter.
Once they break that slump, their confidence in hitting the baseball returns and they are able to contribute to their team for the better.
I can say that I have achieved small wins everyday since starting my media company three years ago.
Though it is not in the same success to where I can run the business full time, I know that I am getting closer to being a full-time entrepreneur.
One of the small wins was my appearance on Conscious Millionaire podcast being a featured show for the entire day by J.V. Crum III because of the value that was brought to his podcast listeners on how to use Twitter to bring people to their website for the better.
I did not expect this honor of being a featured show because I was solely focused on over delivering valuable information to Mr. Crum III’s listeners.
It is one of those simple reminders that hard work will always pays off.
That is a lesson worth learning if you want to be successful for the better.
What’s The Word? show with guest Jackie Bernardi:
Jackie Bernardi was the guest of honor on What’s The Word? as she shared about being a entrepreneur, her study abroad experience in England and her favorite sports team, which is the Dallas Cowboys.
Here is the link to the video and audio version of the interview with Mrs. Bernardi’s appearance on the show.
You Never Know Who Is Watching You
By Cheval John
When someone starts on a journey towards success for the better, they see what their final destination is suppose to look like.
They might see other people’s success and think “why I am not achieving the same success as them?”
In a lot of ways, many sports teams or universities are caught up in the comparison game.
For example, Texas A&M recently completed their renovation of Kyle Field that increased their capacity to 102,000 fans.
That upgrade made them the largest stadium in the state of Texas.
And if that is not enough, Aggie students, professors, alumni and supporters can boast about their stadium as being the largest in the Southeastern Conference (SEC), the fourth largest stadium in the United States and the 6th largest stadium in the world.
That will probably motivate their in-state rivals, the University of Texas, to spend a whole lot of money to try and upgrade their stadium to regain the status as having the largest stadium in the Lone Star State.
The reason why I brought up this example is that many of us who are entrepreneurs or even podcasters will compare ourselves to others who seemingly are more successful.
If we see a podcast have more downloads than ours, then we start to question ourselves of whether we are putting out valuable content for our listeners.
When we fall for the comparison trap, we sabotage ourselves from seeing the small wins that we achieve everyday for the better.
Just because you don’t see the same metrics of success in your valuable work does not mean that you are not successful.
Plus, it might not be your time to be in the limelight as yet.
Jeff Brown, who host the Read to Lead Podcast, gave an excellent presentation at Podcast Movement on ““How to Prepare, Polish and Execute Great Interviews Every Time.”
Unbeknowest to him, Dixie Gillaspie, who is an author, speaker and a coach, was sitting in on his presentation.
A few weeks later, he was featured in Ms. Gillaspie’s article, “The First Step to Starting Anything Is Getting Over Your Perfectionism” on
Even though Mr. Brown has been successful with his podcast and business, his career is going to another level because he was diligent in his preparation in making sure that his presentation at Podcast Movement delivered value to the attendees which led to him being featured in Entrepreneur.
I can say that I know first-hand on how important it is to always deliver valuable content even though I don’t see the results as others for the better
As many of you might know, I have been hosting an online radio show/podcast called “What’s The Word?” on BlogTalkRadio for over 2 years.
Recently, I started using Blab to record my podcast and later upload it to my BlogTalkRadio to air every Monday nights.
Sometimes I would get a little discourage because I did not see the high number of views on the live recordings on Blab like others.
At the same time, I know that people who are there are impacted for the better because: “They Needed To Hear What That Particular Guest Had To Say At That Specific Moment.”
And because of the due diligence of putting out a quality show on Blab, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was featured on Ebony Magazine’s article called “Look Who Blabbing“by Lynne D. Johnson.
Being featured on a major media outlet like Ebony was validation that I am bringing value to people with my live podcast recordings on Blab.
In conclusion, if one person is listening or watching your valuable content, then you are already successful because that one person can open up the doors to you connecting to a wider audience for the better.
Have you ever fell for the comparison trap? You can leave your comments below.
Blue Jays Partying Like It’s 1993
By Cheval John
The Toronto Blue Jays have found themselves in a similar position against the Kansas City Royals.
Toronto lost the first two games in the American League Championship Series’ best of seven matchups in Kansas City.
They are trailing the Royals 2-1 and are trying to tie the series today.
So far, they are losing 12-2 with the matchup in the bottom of the eighth inning.
If you are a casual baseball fan who are into post-season baseball, you might believe that Toronto have no chance of tying the series.
If you are a Blue Jay fan, you believe that Toronto can pull off a comeback to win the series and advance to the World Series.
Who can blame the fans of Toronto for feeling optimistic about winning the series.
The Blue Jays faced a similar situation in the American League Divisional Series best of five matchup against the Texas Rangers.
Toronto lost the first two games in their own stadium against the Rangers.
They had the most difficult task of going to the Dallas-Ft.Worth area facing elimination to win two consecutive games to bring the crucial game 5 back to their city.
Not only did they survive elimination twice, they thrived in both of those matchups with 5-1 and 8-4 victories, respectively.
That set up the crucial Game 5 in Toronto.
The atmosphere in Toronto was electric because it was the first time they were in the post-season since 1993 when they won the World Series.
Texas had taken a 3-2 lead in one of the strangest plays in post-season history.
With a runner on third base, the catcher was trying to throw back the baseball to the pitcher after and it hit Shin-Soo Choo’s bat and went into fair territory.
That became a live baseball and allowed the runner to score.
Though the umpires first ruled the baseball dead, they look at the replay and saw that the baseball was fair play and they overturned the first call to upheld the lead at 3-2.
The Blue Jays could have complained about the misfortune of that baseball play and give up.
However, they knew that they had the opportunity to take the lead and win.
The Blue Jays chipped away and was able to tie the game at 3 courtesy of three errors.
Then Jose Bautista delivered a 3-run moonshot to give them a 6-3 lead and cause the fans at Rogers Centre to erupt.
The moonshot from Bautista completed the most epic comeback that allowed the Blue Jays to be in this series against the Royals.
What we can learn from the Blue Jays is it is never over until it is over.
You might feel down and out because you did not get that dream work whether with a public relations firm or got rejected from the dream university.
Just because you feel down about the rejection from the dream work or university does not mean that it is the end of the world.
In the same way like the Toronto Blue Jays, you must keep the faith and believe that everything will work for the better.
When you have that positive believe and put in the hard work and be patient, the doors will open for you to succeed for the better.
In the same way that the Blue Jays fans erupted for joy after the moonshot by Bautista, your true fans will explode with applause when they see you succeed.