Archive | January 2017

Using Values As A Standard For Business

By Cheval John

I am trying something new in 2017 for Vallano Media, LLC.

Every Saturdays, I will be putting together a recap of What’s The Word? where you will see the show notes from each episode.

Today’s recap is the episode with the guest of honor, Dr. Betty Uribe.

Dr. Uribe shared about her upcoming book, Values: The Secret To Success In Business and Life.

The show was recorded first on the company’s facebook live page via the live video platform before converting into an audio format to air on blogtalkradio.

You will hear about how she had to make a difficult decision to move to the United States with her mother and siblings

You will also hear about how people close to Dr. Uribe envisioned her dining with the most powerful people on the face of the earth.

And why she believes that having true values will allow anyone to be successful in their businesses and lives.

Video snippet of the interview with Dr. Betty Uribe:

Full podcast episode of the interview with Dr. Betty Uribe:

Links to Dr. Betty Uribe’s website and social media pages:



Instagram: drbettyuribe

Twitter: @DrBettyUribe

Upcoming live shows on BlogTalkRadio for this week:

January 12th at 2 p.m. eastern, 1 p.m. central: Tamara Thompson

January 13th at 1 p.m. eastern, noon central Ai Zhang

Who would you like to be featured on What’s The Word?

You can leave your comment below.

New Year’s Goals for 2017

By Cheval John

As we are into the new year, I want to reflect a bit on 2016.

2016 was regarded to some as one of the worst years ever.

They were a lot of tragedies that occurred that everyone of us wished did not happened.

Others will tell you that 2016 was a time of growth in their personal and business lives.

I am in the second boat because I have grown a lot in my business career and discovered some history here in Houston.

And the possibilities of live streaming has allowed me to record my show, What’s The Word? in front of a live audience via my Facebook page.

Of course, I had to deal with the challenges of working at a coffee shop while growing my business.

But those challenges did not stop me from producing content that solved the problems of my audience.

I will let you know that I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because people will break those resolutions in less than 3 weeks.

However, I will tell you my New Year’s goals:

1. To contiue to provide value to my audience on a daily basis here and on my social media channels.

2. To finally have an office (co-working space) where I can fully operate my company.

3. To continue to surround myself with people who will uplift me to be my best self and also give me constructive criticism.

4. To continue to stay away from toxic people who will try and bring me down.

5. To attend as many conferences as possible like Content Marketing World, Podcast Movement and Summit Live UK

6. To speak my mind more due to the bulls*** I see

7. To achieve my financial goals for my company

8. To interview Thalia, Richard Branson Ciamhie McCrory and Cathy Hackl on my show

I truly believe that many of you will have an awesome 2017 because you have put in the hard work and dedication into your business and careers.

So let’s make 2017 the best year ever.

Side Note: I will be blogging everyday for the next two weeks about the top 10 restaurants and coffee shops in Houston in anticipation of Super Bowl 51