Focus More On The Journey To Your Destination

By Cheval John

We see the infomercials of someone who achieved their goals of making millions of dollars or even losing weight in a “short” amount of time.

The people who are broadcasting the infomercials are selling that if they can follow their system, then you can achieve the same success that they and their clients have achieved.

Though they mean well and those claims are true to a degree depending on the person, we think to ourselves that we can achieve the same goals that they achieve.

Or what about the person who got out of debt whether it is school loans or credit card debt?

That is more believable because we see stories on how they got through the debt and live to share about it to many others who are currently fighting to get out of debt.

Example: Eventual Millionaire’s Jaime Tardy, who got out of $70,000 dollars of debt in a short amount of time because she and her family was disciplined in their spending and also side-hustling with various work to achieve their goal of financial freedom.

What about stories of those who are still working their way to financial freedom and are looking for inspiration from those who are on the same journey to success.

Shannon McLay returned on my podcast, “What’s The Word?,” to chat how “Next-Gen Financial” was a model for her new company, “The Financial Gym.”

Check Out Finance Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Cheval John on BlogTalkRadio

We chatted about how her dream goal of the “Financial Gym” was a three year plan because of some obstacles that she faced and her podcast,”Martinis And Your Money,” especially the episode ,”Overcoming Financial Obstacles” with Melanie from Dear Debt, Tonya from Budget and The Beach and Mrs. Frugalwoods from Frugalwoods.

Each shared about the challenges of gaining and maintaining financial freedom.

What was interesting is that they were willing to be vulnerable about their journeys and not pretend that they were on top of the world.

They understand that they are others who are currently facing debt and are looking for inspiration like people who are facing a combined trillion dollars in student loan debt.

They also know that the journey to the destination of financial freedom is really the best part because of golden lessons that they can share with others.

So it is always important to not focus too much on the destination whether it is financial freedom, achieving millions of viewers for your blog, making more money or achieving that prestigious degree.

If you only focus on the end goal, you will miss out on enjoying the journey to that goal which will be enriching to your life.

What are your thoughts on enjoying your journey to achieving overall success in your life?

You can leave your comments below.

About Cheval John

Cheval John is the Founder and CEO of Vallano Media, LLC, a marketing agency which helps small to mid-sized businesses use social media correctly to build a loyal following and in the process become more profitable. Cheval was the host of "What's The Word?" a podcast about finding out what inspires people to choose their respective careers and how social media impacted their lives and business He is the author of two books including the Amazon Best-Seller, "8 Lessons Every Podcaster Needs To Learn." He has spoken at Social Media Week Lima in Ohio and at Social Media Day Houston 2017 about topics around live streaming and podcasting. Cheval has been featured in media outlets including Ebony Magazine, Social Media Today and Forbes. He was named a Houston Top 25 Social Media Power Influencer (2016 and 2017) and a Twitter (Now X)Top 50 Influencer by Onalytica in 2018.

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