The Mayans Were Probably Right After All

by Cheval John

Suupposedly, the Mayans predicted that on December 21, 2012, the world will come to an end.

Well, they were wrong.

With the writing of this article, we are still here and alive.

But, they were probably right on a few things on my part.

First, today marks the end of worrying about what other people think, being afraid of taking a risk and doing what I love: writing.

Over the last few years, I’ve been reading books that have allowed me to do things that I never would have imagined.

Books like “The Four Hour WorkWeek” by Timothy Ferris, “Rework” by 37Signals, and “The Education of Millionaires” by Michael Ellsberg.

Each have very important advice that makes a person believe that they can do what they have been longing to do for a long time and make a living at it.

In addition, they destroy the perceived thinking about taking a risk, what marketing is all about, and much more.

So, for those of you who are ready to go after your dreams and try something new, why not start it today.

I would recommend one of these books to jumpstart your journey.

After all, the Mayans were probably on to something here.

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About Cheval John

Cheval John is the Founder and CEO of Vallano Media, LLC, a marketing agency which helps small to mid-sized businesses use social media correctly to build a loyal following and in the process become more profitable. Cheval was the host of "What's The Word?" a podcast about finding out what inspires people to choose their respective careers and how social media impacted their lives and business He is the author of two books including the Amazon Best-Seller, "8 Lessons Every Podcaster Needs To Learn." He has spoken at Social Media Week Lima in Ohio and at Social Media Day Houston 2017 about topics around live streaming and podcasting. Cheval has been featured in media outlets including Ebony Magazine, Social Media Today and Forbes. He was named a Houston Top 25 Social Media Power Influencer (2016 and 2017) and a Twitter (Now X)Top 50 Influencer by Onalytica in 2018.

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